Sunday, November 17, 2013

Upscale Boutique Critique

I had been invited to show my art the Holly Jolly Holiday Boutique in Danville,Il yesterday.  The layout was beautiful and it definitely had a boutique vibe, but there were far too few people and I sold far too few items.  It was a fun experience, but I think I'll stick to just craft fairs.  I have another one in mid December, but I need to find ones I can slip into to fill my empty weekends.  

One good thing I have noticed about having good and bad shows is that I am constantly looking for ways to improve my displays.  Just look at the differences from one show to the next, it's amazing!  I'm always looking for new displays (saw a gorgeous tailor bust aptly named Lady Gaga - I'll have to see if I can find a picture) and ways to adjust my spread to get a good flow.  Wish me luck at my next show!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

St. James Craft Fair

My second craft show at the St. James Lutheran School was awesome!  The pegboard display that my husband made for me was perfect. I sold lots of charms and several coaster sets.  The best part is that I got my name out there!  I'm already brainstorming ideas for making my next show in a few weeks an even bigger success!